Paul Staffile
Painter, Muscician
“My responsibility is and always has been to contribute to the continuing saga of immortalizing the freedom we all have in the future of Art and Music.”
Born in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Under the brush in brushstrokes of Amazonian leaps. A star at the High School of Art & Design - 59th St. 2 ND. Ave. N.Y.C. - He went on to burst the layers of the N.Y.C. Institute of Visual Arts (1964-1971) tracing the calm and the storm - sketching / sponsoring the dept. of thought - Boxing in a sound or glory vibrating the beats of tomorrow to come that was electro harmonix.
Injecting R.H.Macy 's N.Y.C. tending to hit the diffusion firing in a puff of smoke. Finally, we found the fabric and paint to the statue of liberty to prepare M. Monroe.
Inspiring the ornery lips, he created and originated the charge on the clothing canvases applauding the success of putting lips with face 1/2 following as an artist, musician, songwriter and singer.
Drawing inspiration from recycling and using on his polystyrene canvas as well as canvas fabrics as his work "Putting on the Lips", he created and originated the charge on the canvases of clothing applauding the success of putting on the lips with the face 1/2 following as an artist, musician, songwriter and singer.