Art with Purpose

Arte Vivo is proud to pressent “Art with Purpose - Wynwood 2022” an immersive exhibition showcasing brilliant works of art from an international roster of artists inspired by the challenges of our day. For fall 2022 we are focusing on the 3 C's: Climate Change, Conflict in Ukraine, and COVID-19.
Talent that Tells a Story
Arte Vivo will be presenting an exhibition of works from more than 10 international artists who will shape their visions upon the canvas.
An exhibition of original art
A guide into Web 3.0 art
Artists painting live
Hands-on creative activities
Art and purpose storytelling
Wine tasting
Be Art with Purpose, be Arte Vivo.
Ticket purchase includes all activities and (1) FREE drink
- Young art lovers attend free with an accompanying adult
Displayed works will be available for sale with a portion of proceeds benefiting organizations tackling the issues og climate change, the conflict in Ukraine and child poverty.
Featured Artists:
- Sigrid Beckmann
- Eder Eme
- Ermilo Espinosa
- Jacob Flores
- Connie García
- Blanca Garza
- Nicolás Guardiola
- Adriana Hoyos
- Mykola Kuryliuk
- Souren Mousavi
- Sergio Navajas
- Susana Portillo
- Adry del Rocío
- Alexia Rros
- Doris Sarquis
- Julieta Senger
- Alex Setuna
- Paul Staffile
- Roberto Tostado
- Alejandra Villegas
- Olga Zuno